How To Turn Website Traffic into Buying Customers.

There are a lot of businesses that can get many clicks and page views on their websites. What proves to be difficult is converting those clicks and page views into sales.

Having a high number of visitors and views can be encouraging, but it is meaningless if those visitors do not generate revenue.

This post will discuss how companies can engage website visitors and encourage them to become paying customers, as well as other marketing tips.

We've put together this post to give you tips and best practices that will help you get started as quickly and efficiently as possible. The right audience at the right time; designing and writing compelling content; we've got you covered!

The following are the most effective ways to increase engagement and convert web traffic into sales.

1. Build an Email List with Opt-in Contacts

If you want to keep potential customers on your website and move them down the sales funnel, you need to communicate with them regularly. The easiest way to do that is to utilize solid email marketing. Pop-ups and other calls-to-action can be used on your website to encourage people to sign up, or you can personally invite people to do so.


effective email marketing opt-in


It can appear that building an email list from scratch is more time-consuming than commuting during rush hour. Yet, opt-in contacts are still essential if you want to get real engagement from your emails.


There are some businesses that attempt to get around this by purchasing email lists, but this is never a wise move. The following reasons demonstrate why opt-in lists always win over non-opt-in methods:


People don’t like spam – Spam isn't liked - Sending messages to people who have not opted-in to your list is spam. Don’t be that. Identify your audience before trying to sell them. It is better to have a list of potential customers that you know are interested in your business. By doing this, you will minimize the number of spam complaints and unsubscribes that you receive, which is a critical factor in determining whether you get any delivery at all.

Content is actually consumed by your contacts - When your contact list is opt-in only, you can guarantee that your content is being consumed by qualified leads. Because contacts need to request emails from you in order to receive them, they have to work on it themselves. This extra step filters out people who don't have a genuine interest in your business, though it may seem counter-intuitive to make it harder for prospects to contact your business. Now you only have prospects who are most likely to convert.

You don’t have to worry about any legal issues – If you are sending marketing messages to people via email, you should comply with international email laws to avoid any legal issues. If your list is opt-in, then you should have no problem (at least in terms of attorney fees).

Once your opt-in framework has been established for collecting contacts, it's time for the real challenge:

What are the best methods for sending effective email marketing campaigns to these contacts? It's ok - the next five steps will take care of it!


2. Make Sure Your Email Content is Relevant

After uploading your contacts (hopefully to GetResponse), segmenting them into groups is the next step.

Create smaller segments so your content is more targeted and meets the needs of each group. Maintaining the relevance of your message increases engagement rates and keeps contacts happy.


Effect email marketing segmentation

Let’s assume that K Crew created a segment of customers who are interested in suits or menswear for this email.

Here are four ways you can start segmenting (or grouping) your contacts:


Sign up source - Where you receive your prospects (trade shows, blog, PPC campaign, etc.) has a large impact on how you communicate with them.

The stage of the purchase cycle- Determines what type of strategy is required for contacts according to their position in your funnel (e.g., new prospects, new customers, loyal customers).

Engagement with content - Segmenting your contacts based on how they interact with the content you already send to them is a great way to provide them with what they want. Which emails do they open? Which ones do they click? Which ones did they ignore? By answering these questions, effective segments can be created.

Activity levels - An important practice is creating a segment for contacts with low engagement levels. Consider examining them more closely to come up with new ways to reach out, or even consider removing them altogether from your list.

Knowing more about your customers allows you to create even more effective email marketing segments.


Using GetResponse, you can also personalize the content of your email to increase its relevance. Personalizing the subject line, preheader, or body of the email with information specific to the reader will enhance engagement by making it feel unique and tailored to their needs.

3. Provide Value to Your Contacts

Consider this question before creating an email marketing strategy. Why should your readers open and engage with your email? Make sure your subject line communicates value from the start, and offer something they'll use.


effective email marketing coupon

An email like the one above shows how to provide value for your customers. In addition to a discount code, the email includes personalized product recommendations. It makes life easier for the recipient, and also encourages them to buy.


Listed below are some examples of helpful content you can provide your contacts:

  • Share your industry expertise 
  • Offer promotional codes and coupons 
  • Share high-value content (white pages or e-books) 
  • Make targeted recommendations 
  • Send timely reminders.

It is always mutually beneficial to have good relationships. Maintain a two-way relationship with your subscribers and provide value in both directions!


4. Include a Clear Call to Action

The purpose of every marketing email should be clearly defined. Emails can be used for many purposes, including incentivizing customers to make a purchase, driving traffic to your website, and encouraging contacts to refer you to others. It is probably not worth sharing the email with your contacts if you don't have a goal in mind.


A clear call to action is important if you want your emails to achieve your goal. The call to action (or CTA) in your email is what you want the reader to do. CTAs can be buttons, coupon codes, or anything else that prompts the reader to take action.


A great example of a clear call to action button.


To ensure an effective campaign, ensure your "ask" is clear and focused on one request per email. You can cover more than one topic, but keep in mind that most people will only click on one CTA per email.

Therefore, with focused content and deliberate design, it is critical to draw readers' attention to the most noteworthy CTA.

5. Be Conscientious of Your Email Design and CTA Placement

Most employees only scan email messages quickly to find important or valuable information because they receive over 100 emails each day. The design of your site should be user-friendly, otherwise, key information can be overlooked or the message completely missed.

As smartphone ownership increases, you should also consider mobile-friendly design principles.

 To make it easy for you to design mobile-friendly emails with easy-to-read layouts, you should choose an email marketing platform that makes it super easy to design emails with a mobile-friendly interface.


Quick Tip:

Use GetResponse's Responsive Email Designer to drag and drop content blocks with pre-designed layouts. This ensures your content will be presented in an engaging way. And the cool part is you don't need any design experience!

Create your free GetResponse account now!


Here is a simple checklist to follow if you're starting a design from scratch:

  • Include your logo and/or other graphics that clearly illustrate the purpose of your content in the header.
  • Headline - It should be a brief, engaging statement that catches the reader's attention.
  • The text should be an explanation of the full story in the shortest possible time.
  • Select an image that explains what you have written or is emotionally compelling. (Tip: Make sure you have the right to use the images you use.)
  • CTA - Add buttons or text in an eye-catching color near the opening and closing of your email.
  • Footer _ At the bottom of the email, remind your recipient of your company's value proposition, direct contact information, website URL, social media icons, and physical address.
  • Subscription management – Always provide recipients with instructions on how to unsubscribe from future messages or update their subscriptions.

You should pay attention to what works as you test different approaches to your email design and calls-to-action.

If you want to improve your future campaigns, you should always be evaluating your results, regardless of what color your CTA buttons are, what headlines you use, or what formatting your promotional offers have.

Click to watch Getresponse tutorial!

6. Find the Best Time of Day & Frequency to Send Emails

Consider your readers' daily routines and send emails at a time and day when they are most likely to respond.

 Consider these ideas when testing new sending times:

Morning - Make sure your emails are mobile-friendly and include a clear call-to-action since readers are likely on their phones scanning content.

Afternoon – This is a good time for B2B sales emails (guides, webinars, etc.) as people check their work emails in the afternoon.

Evening – is the most appropriate time to send your B2C / SMB focused emails. Your reader will likely have their computer on.

Your subscribers' opt-in preferences and any expectations you set should be respected in terms of frequency and volume of emails you send them. For example, you should not bombard people who subscribe to your newsletter with daily product deals.


Do not disappoint users who ask for more frequent updates by sending emails on an inconsistent or confusing schedule. They might forget that they opted-in in the first place and send your message to the spam folder!


Analyze Campaign Results for More Effective Email Marketing

You should always test each of these (segmentation, content, design, time-of-day) when implementing them to find out what works best for your clients. Although understanding your audience may take some time, your investment will result in:


An increased open rate, click rate, and share rate.

There were fewer complaints about spam and unsubscribes.

The ability to reach the inbox with a good sender reputation.

You're now ready to craft an email marketing strategy and send your first campaign!

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